Secretariat for Legal Affairs
No. 0001/012023/G-A5
The Commission for GOUV matters in Brazil presents the final report for the publication of the Unified Decree that aims to create the GOUV and its institutions.
1st. GOUV is established and its basic principles are:
I. Citizenship;
II. Life;
III. Human dignity;
IV. Pluralism and diversity;
V. Autonomy and freedom.
2nd. GOUV has the following official languages:
I. French;
II. English;
III. Portuguese;
IV. Romanian;
V. Spanish.
3rd. Every citizen has the right to have their documents, be served, work and enjoy GOUV services and projects in any of the official languages.
4th. GOUV is responsible for managing, coordinating and controlling the activities of associated institutions and companies. Officially named GOUV, it is chaired by the General Directorate of GOUV and its Secretariats. The institutions are named:
I. Social Development Council (SDC) - The SDC is the department responsible for contact with the general public. It is responsible for maintaining order and developing projects aimed at the social sector. It is also responsible for recording data from GOUV citizens and customers. SDC is made up of contractors and managed by its Board of Directors.
II. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - It is an Organization that is dedicated to providing analysis and recommendations on foreign policy and international affairs. The primary mission of the CFR is to promote a better understanding of the world and the foreign policy challenges facing the GOUV. It accomplishes this mission through a variety of means.
The CFR is made up of representatives from countries in areas in which GOUV has or is interested in creating social projects. And they are the ones who review the proposals made by the SDC. The positions and vacancies are initially marked:
I. Brazil - 2 representatives;
II. Romania - 1 representative;
III. Venezuela - 1 representative;
IV. Afghanistan - 1 representative;
V. Ukraine - 1 representative.
A place in the Council is occupied by a member of the GOUV and cannot be voted on directly, but is appointed by the GOUV. It is responsible for mediating power in situations of conflicts of interest.
III. Institute for Development of Research and Scientific Studies (IDRSS) - It is the institution responsible for the development of GOUV's educational areas and interests. It is composed of the General Presidency of the IDRSS; And the House of Public Relations.
IV. GOUV Intelligence Department (GID) - Is responsible for the technology and data protection system of GOUV and its institutions. In addition, it deals with investigations requested by institutions and the collection of sensitive data and its protection.
V. CONSULACEMI - Department of Consultancy, advisory and migration processes. CONSULACEMI offers consultancy, advisory and assistance in migratory processes. It is aimed at the international and national sector. Develops projects in several countries. The service is done in a professional manner and aims to contribute to the well-being of people around the world.
5th. GOUV will work based on:
Official Decrees issued by the Senior Director of GOUV;
Amendments offered by the Council Representation;
Official business notes.
I. Official Decrees issued by the Senior Director of GOUV - They are issued by the senior representation of GOUV, formed by the General Directorate and its secretariats. They are official Decrees and must be followed from the mandatory date stipulated by all linked institutions or companies.
II. Amendments offered by the Council Representation - They are produced by the SDC based on the needs of GOUV's social projects and are reviewed by the CFR. Their approval goes through the General Directorate of GOUV and returns to the CFR for corrections. It should be noted that the CFR has the power to veto proposals presented by the SDC if the majority of High Representatives so votes.
III. Official business notes - These are notes issued by linked companies that seek to present their needs and interests to the GOUV Management, whether social or economic. If there are notes of disagreement with actions taken, the note is sent to the CFR for evaluation and then re-sent to the GOUV General Management for approval.
6th. The official measures taken by GOUV will be officially published in the GOUV Official Gazette, which will be issued monthly.
7th. Everyone is equal, without distinction of any kind, guaranteeing GOUV citizens and customers linked to the same organization and companies the inviolability of the right to life, freedom, equality, security and the right to a quality service and humanitarian.
8th. Everyone has the right to the provision of services and social services from GOUV, regardless of their religious belief, whatever it may be.
9th. The rights of GOUV citizens are the right to Representation in their decisions and the unique right to free social services offered by their institutions.
10th. It is the duty and obligation of GOUV to present a guarantee of contribution to promoting education, health and freedom of its citizens.
11th. GOUV citizens are:
I. Those children of citizens. This affiliation must be officially recognized by the Rule of Law;
II. Husbands and wives made official by law before the Rule of Law;
III. One who has paid his annual dues or the price for continued citizenship;
IV. Anyone who provides voluntary service to GOUV, for the period in which they provide the respective service, may request effective GOUV citizenship;
V. The right to participate in services within the Councils and institutions for GOUV citizens is deprived;
12th. Loss of GOUV citizenship occurs when:
I. Temporary citizenship is not paid;
II. Citizenship for volunteers has its determined period ended;
III. When it is issued by Official Decree or by Council Amendment, the loss of citizenship;
IV. When a citizen commits a crime in any State of Law and results in a final judgment;
13th. The position of High Representative of GOUV in countries where there is social interest or the creation of social projects is only available to GOUV citizens.
14th. Elections take place once every year.
15th. The dates are defined by the GOUV Representation. If there are no competitors for the vacancies, the General Directorate of GOUV will appoint someone in charge of matters at GOUV in the respective country.
16th. The position of High Representative of the GOUV in a country does not necessarily require citizenship of the respective State of Law, but it does require, as a matter of obligation, mastery of the country's official language, or at least one if the respective country has more than one.
17th. Every citizen can vote directly from GOUV platforms or directly at the GOUV Official Representation in the country of residence.
18th. GOUV citizens are exempt from taxes levied by the GOUV;
19th. They are not obliged to pay fees, due to the exercise of security powers or the use, actual or potential, of specific and divisible public services, provided to citizens or made available to them;
20th. You are obliged to pay the annual amount, if so defined, of GOUV citizenship, which aims to contribute to improvements resulting from projects.
Brazil, January 1, 2021.