Countries where we are present

Permanent Commissions

Federative Republic of Brazil


Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

High Commissions

Republic of Peru

Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Republic of Estonia

Republic of Angola


Special Delegations

European Union

African Union

Arab League

Special Secretariats


Special Departments

Republic of India

Special security commissions

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

GOUV’s diplomatic missions are official representations established to promote and safeguard the organization’s interests in different countries and international institutions. They are structured into various categories, each with specific objectives, encompassing governmental, economic, social, and security-related relations.

These missions serve as channels to:

  1. Establish direct relations with governments, private companies, and local citizens.
  2. Represent GOUV’s specific interests, such as economic, cultural, environmental, or security matters.
  3. Operate in regional or global contexts, including economic blocs, multilateral institutions, or conflict situations.

GOUV organizes its missions into different formats:

  • Permanent Commissions

These are permanent diplomatic missions with credentials formally presented to the government or institutions of the host country. Their primary function is to represent GOUV comprehensively, establishing direct relations with the local government, private companies, and citizens.

  • High Commissions

These are temporary diplomatic missions, established with or without formal credentials presented to the host government. Unlike Permanent Commissions, they focus primarily on engaging with private companies and citizens, with direct relations with the government occurring only when necessary.

  • Special Delegations

Composed of diplomats assigned to represent GOUV’s interests in international institutions, economic blocs, and other global entities. They may have a permanent nature but are activated only when needed, operating on a case-by-case basis.

  • Special Secretariats

Secretariats created to address specific economic interests, often linked to Permanent Commissions but with operational autonomy. Typically, they are led by the same High Representative responsible for the Commission they are associated with, ensuring coordinated efforts between the two entities.

  • Special Departments

Departments tasked with representing GOUV in specific areas of interest within a country, such as military, economic, or political matters. They are directly managed by the General Presidency, which appoints a diplomat on-site to handle related demands and agendas.

  • Special Security Commissions

Special missions focused on security matters, mostly managed by the GOUV Intelligence Agency (GIA) or a High Representative specialized in conflict environments. These missions have a limited duration, activated only during wartime scenarios, and focus exclusively on GOUV’s interests related to the specific conflict.

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