Institutions, Organizations, Departments and Companies It is important to mention that institutions and departments are direct parts of GOUV. GOUV Intelligence Agency (AIGOUV) Secretariat of Investigation and Research (SIR) Secretariat of Documentation and Authenticity Services (SDA) House of Public Relations (HPR) Secretariat for Education, Culture and Human Rights (SECHUR) Secretariat for Social Assistance, Citizenship, Diversity and Pluralism (SSACDP) Secretariat for Regional Development and Environment (SREDEN) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Pro tempore presidency of the CFR High Commissions Special security commissions Special Delegations Special Secretariats Special Departments Institute for the Development of Research and Scientific Studies (IDRSS) IDRSS Presidency (IDRSS-PRE) International Relations Department (IDRSS-IRD) GOUV company for Advisory, Consultancy and Immigration (CONSULARIS) Consularis Portal Commercial Department (COD) Trade, Import and Export Secretariat (TIES) Bramont trade GOUV Presidency General Secretariat of the Presidency GOUV Official Ombudsman