2nd International Relations and Scholarships Abroad Event (ERIBEE)

The 2nd International Relations and Scholarships Abroad Event (ERIBEE), was developed in its second edition on April 1, 2021. Its quick completion was due to the success of the first event. This year the event brought countless experiences and among them it brought with it Master and Researcher Maryellen Bãdãrãu, Master Samara Indi and Master Student Marcos Bãdãrãu to debate about their experiences abroad with scholarships, about the plurality of experiences and about the way International Relations theory relates to each type of experience.

The event featured three different lectures throughout the night. This new format saw the participation not only of Brazilian students but also from Angola, Romania, Colombia and other neighboring countries. In total there were 350 participants along with the IDRSS team. Participants also had the opportunity to participate directly through round tables during the event. Furthermore, the event was distributed internationally and had the participation of the GOUV Representation in Romania.

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