1st International Relations and Scholarships Abroad Event (ERIBEE)

The 1st International Relations and Scholarships Abroad Event (1º Evento de Relações Internacionais e Bolsas de Estudos no Exterior – ERIBEE) took place on March 9, 2021 in an online format in Brazil, promoted by IDRSS (Institute for the Development of Scientific Studies and Research). The event welcomed students, professionals from different areas, researchers and representatives of institutions from the most diverse areas of knowledge.

The event presented a general theme on different types of Scholarships Abroad, procedures to follow to be approved for scholarships, important documents for the composition of different applications. Furthermore, there was a debate about the life of a student abroad and the main challenges encountered. Partnerships were also discussed and how the IDRSS could mediate and contribute to these partnerships that could promote scholarships and opportunities for students linked to the IDRSS.

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